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Questions tagged [toki-pona]

For questions concerning Toki Pona, the minimalistic oligomorphemic conlang published by Sonja Lang.

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6 votes
3 answers

sama pi or sama e?

I would like to say something like These are the same as my house. I'm not sure if this should be: ni li sama e tomo mi. or ni li sama pi tomo mi. My understanding is that you only use e for ...
jan Emon's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What is a good way for a speaker of English to get started learning Toki Pona?

I am interested in learning Toki Pona. As a speaker of Toki Pona and English, what would be a good learning path for someone that speaks primarily English and has a moderate amount of knowledge about ...
Qaziquza's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can a toki pona vocative phrase go before an adverbial phrase?

If I wanted to translate an imperative phrase: "Dad, eat quickly!" I can say tenpo lili la mama o moku However it seems a bit odd to me to put my vocative mama in the middle. It seems ...
jan Emon's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Has anybody come up with a "Japanized" version of toki pona?

I saw a post on twitter about creating a "Japanized" version of toki pona. Has anyone done that? toki pona certainly seems to be influenced at least a little bit by Japanese anyway (word ...
jastako's user avatar
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1 answer

What things can `la` mark in Toki Pona?

I was under the impression, until recently, the la in Toki Pona is a topic marker of sorts similar to the Japanese topic marker wa but used less frequently since Toki Pona is not topic-prominent. In ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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2 answers

Words for Mercy in Toki Pona?

I would like to translate Bismillah Ir-Rahmani Ir-Rahim into Toki Pona. The parts I'm struggling with are the Rahma part, and the Raheem part, as they encompass similar but subtly different meanings ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to say, 'Haters gonna Hate' in Toki Pona

The closest I could find was jan ike | awen pali e ona | pilin ike tawa enemy | continue | hate But I've not figured out if that the right way to combine those phrases
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is there a structured toki pona dictionary/thesaurus?

I'm currently working on an NLP project using toki pona, analysing and generating sentences. I was wondering if there was a structured dictionary available for it, or whether people have attempted to ...
Oliver Mason's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What would be the most accurate character to use to transliterate the 'e' sound in 'bet' to the Arabic alphabet?

I'm trying to transliterate toki pona words containing an 'eh' sound like 'esun', 'en', 'kule', 'ken' & 'seme'. I found an online Kurdish transliteration tool that displays 'esun' ‌as ئه‌سون &...
jastako's user avatar
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1 answer

Transliterating toki pona to hebrew

What would be the best choice of niqqud to transliterate toki pona vowel sounds using Hebrew? I'm trying to use the niqqud that would be closest to what is normally used in Hebrew. Should 'e' be אֶ or ...
jastako's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is there a toki pona hieroglyphics font?

For the toki pona language there is a writing system where each word is replaced by a single logogram or hieroglyph. There is also a web-based converter which allows you to enter a text in toki pona ...
Oliver Mason's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Sciences in toki pona

I managed to translate a lot of things but I'm stuck on a word. How to say "physics" (knowledge of the nature) in toki pona? A proposition for "nature" would also be appreciated. ...
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5 votes
5 answers

What is the meaning of this Toki Pona sentence?

I found a sentence written in order to prove that Toki Pona is a complete language. As far as I know it is a foolish nominal sentence. What is the English translation? pona sona pi (wawa pi ma ...
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9 votes
1 answer

Is Toki Pona a fast language?

There are well-known and notable differences in speed for natural languages: While a fast language like Spanish is spoken at a speed of about 6–7 syllables per second, a slow language like German, ...
Sir Cornflakes's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Should I use “double o” in Toki Pona?

In Toki Pona, the small word o has several meanings. In the official book Toki Pona: The Language of Good, it says The particle o has three uses: (1) after a noun phrase to show who is being ...
peterorme's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How does one express "want to want" in toki pona?

For example, "I do not want to want opium" For example, this doesn't work, it is a yes-no question! mi wile ala wile e ijo nasa Do I want a drug? ? Do I want not-want a drug? The ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

What is the word “li” in Toki pona, grammatically?

In Toki pona, words are never inflected, and many words can act as a noun, verb or adjective in different contexts. The word "li" usually separates the subject from a predicate, and “e” goes before ...
peterorme's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Has any conlang ever replaced the use of a pidgin?

I've read that being a simple, yet more expressive, substitute for a pidgin language is one of the possible applications of Toki Pona. In situations where people from multiple languages come together ...
Mateusz Piotrowski's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

How to say right and left in Toki Pona?

As we know, Toki Pona is a quite minimal language and it sometimes not easy to come up with a word we use everyday in English. The problem is that I cannot think of a non-culture-specific and easily ...
Mateusz Piotrowski's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

Do toki pona speakers, in practice, permit compounding more than three words?

In toki pona, compounding multiple words together is possible. For example: tomo: room/box/structure/home telo: water/fluid tomo telo: bathroom It also allows compounding three words together: ...
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