Though I've had a tough time choosing the phonology and the orthography of my conlang, I think I've finally confirmed it: 12 consonants, 10 vowels, Cyrillic script.
The consonants are:
- Пп for [p]
- Тт for [t]
- Цц for [t͜s]
- Чч for [ʈ͡ʂ], or [t͜ɕ] when iotified
- Кк for [k]
- Ҁҁ (koppa) for [ʡ]
- Фф for [f]
- Ѳѳ (fita) for [θ]
- Сс for [s]
- Шш for [ʂ], or [ɕ] when iotified
- Мм for [m]
- Нн for [n]
The vowels are:
- Аа for [a] / Яя for [ja]
- Ээ for [e] / Ее for [je]
- Ыы for [ɯ] / Ии for [i]
- Оо for [ɔ] / Ёё for [jɔ]
- Уу for [u] / Юю for [ju]
But how should the words of my conlang be ordered on a dictionary? It seems that the best solution is to follow the Russian lexicography, while inserting the missing letters owing to their Phoenician origins. That would give the lexicographical order of АЕЁИѲКМНОПСТУФҀЦЧШЫЭЮЯ. Or is there a better option?
(Sorry for bad tagging; there is no "lexicography" tag.)