I continued building vocabulary for my conlang, and now I'm trying to name chemical elements.
Here's the concept: The major speakers of this conlang are angels, and some of them have lived for a long time. Some have lived since when ancient Greeks lived, and as such, I imagine my conlang to incorporate modern theories of chemistry to ancient alchemical concepts, prominently the theory of 4 elements; earth, water, air, and fire.
So here is the sketch.
Earth-like elements:
The composition of the earth's crust gives a way of vocabularizing some elements. I name these elements earthlings, which are:
- Second earthling = Silicon(Si)
- Third earthling = Aluminum(Al)
- Fourth earthling = Iron(Fe)
Water-like elements:
Though water itself is a compound, the salt in the sea water is what to be called waterlings. Those are:
- First waterling = Chlorine(Cl)
- Second waterling = Sodium(Na)
- Third waterling = Magnesium(Mg)
- Fifth waterling = Calcium(Ca)
- Sixth waterling = Potassium(K)
Air-like elements:
Earth's atmosphere gives some elements as well:
- First airling = Nitrogen(N)
- Third airling = Argon(Ar)
Fire-like elements:
There is only one element that is worth to be called fireling. It's oxygen(O).
Furthermore, since water is a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, I subtract the oxygen to acquire hydrogen. Hydrogen(H) is disfired water.
So what about other elements? I put infra-/sub-/hypo- prefixes to subtract periods, and put ultra-/super-/hyper- prefixes to add periods (similar to Mendeleev's "eka-"). For examples:
- Hyposecond earthling = Carbon(C)
- Hypothird earthling = Boron(B)
- Superfourth earthling = Osmium(Os)
- Hypofirst waterling = Fluorine(F)
- Hyposecond waterling = Lithium(Li)
- Hypothird waterling = Beryllium(Be)
- Ultrafirst airling = Phosphorus(P)
- Subthird airling = Helium(He)
- Hypothird airling = Neon(Ne)
- Ultrafireling = Sulfur(S)
- Hyperfireling = Tellurium(Te)
Yet still, I have a majority of elements uncovered. How should I name the rest? Is there a general strategy, or are they gonna be arbitrary choices?